Monday, August 23, 2010

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The Myth of the Phoenix, by Christian Blaya

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Myth of the Phoenix, free interpretation.
Unauthorized Biography by that
mythology that in Eden under the tree of Good and Evil bloomed a rose bush and along with the first flower was born a beautiful bird with beautiful plumage and a lovely song. Some say that the eyes, tears came healing. It is said that he never wanted to taste the fruits of the forbidden tree, Adam and Eve tasted the fruit itself and therefore they were cast out of Paradise, when this happened, a spark of fire fell on the nest and the bird burned instantly. The surprise was that the fire itself was a new bird, the new Phoenix, and repeats every 500 years this story.

First question:
Immortality was the prize he was awarded the bird, for his loyalty, honesty, uprightness. Values \u200b\u200band virtues that also die and are reborn cyclically during human history. "I wonder, have understood the message of this myth and has been falsely interpreted, what is the meaning of the act of death and rebirth being immortal."
... In the beginning ... I doubt the true interpretation that the man turned to myth. This question leads me to step back and try to understand that another interpretation is Phoenix. Dying painfully in the sacred fire, purifying and reborn with new strength, yes this time trying to achieve true immortality ... will hope, faith, to which we attach ranks incorrectly miraculous, when only one message is still indecipherable, exclusive only to the understanding of humanity.
remember the words of Prince, what is essential is invisible to the eye, I think perhaps not with their eyes open have to imagine the final act of the Phoenix.
Should not use the other senses when vision causes me blindness? I wonder.

Second question:
What other virtues are in the life of humanity, are born and die in an endless cycle of bad opportunities exploited over the millennia?
What has paralyzed much of the humanity that does not react?
How many times must return to surrender, a beautiful bird to man may be able to see its true meaning?
I can think of many virtues, but one that very adept at change in this lush period, this new Sodom and Gomorrah, the word is ETHICS.
To understand the ethical word I say aloud, some of the synonyms of the word ethics are:
Decency ... .. Dignity of acts and words. Honesty ...
Decency and good behavior. Quality
positive virtue ... a being, person or thing by exposing the advantages of that qualifying body.

I think it's a good time to try to build the new paradigm that since ninety lacking and without which the world can not move in its complexity.
"The paradigm of the new millennium can and should be the paradigm of Ethics." Dr. Cristian Sergio


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