courses to adopt and 2010-II faculty _________ - Right: - SECOND SEMESTER -
Activities I: Speaking (3 hours weekly)
_.. Teacher: Advocate. Carlos Manuel Ponce Arpasi
Legal Science (5 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Milagros Alfaro Benavente
Communication II (4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Nelly Vilca
4. Defence
(3 hours weekly)
_.. Teacher: Commander Jorge Aguilar Hidalgo
Roman Law (4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Advocate. Naomi Torres
Channels 6.
fundamentals (4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Mr. José Chávez Morales
Contemporary History (3 hours weekly)
_.. Teacher: Advocate. Pedro Reynoso Chavez
CLASSROOM: third floor, up the stairs to the left.
_________ - LAW - THIRD SEMESTER -
Activities II: Health Education (3 hours weekly)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Erly Alejo
Analysis and Interpretation of Texts (4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Giraldo
Political Science (4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Advocate. Ricardo Coayla
4. Criminology
(4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Nova
Civil Law I: Preliminary Title People (5 hours per week.)
_.. Teacher: Dr. José Luis Gonzales
6. Criminal Law General
(4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Rogelio Zea
7. Philosophy
(4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Luis M. Cuevas Vizcarra
AULA 104, located in the first floor, two doors to the left of the entrance door.
_________ - LAW - FOURTH SEMESTER -
Civil Law II: Legal Act (5 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Eduardo Tomb
2. Constitutional Law
(5 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Dr. Ricardo Gutierrez
3. Special Criminal Law
I (5 hours per week)
_.. Teacher:
4. Forensic Ethics and Deontology
(4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Advocate. Guillermo Cornejo Kuong
Legal Informatics (4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Mr. Maribel Coaguila
6. General Theory
Process (4 hours per week)
_.. Teacher: Advocate. Edgar Flores Mita
CLASSROOM: 202, located on the second floor, up the stairs to the right.